The Stater code from the first week of the season is “constant progression.” If you speak Japanese, or are a Toyota Motors enthusiast, you will recognize this as the term …
2012 CBD Journals
This past weekend we went down to Georgia State and I think I can speak for everyone and say it was a disappointment. I do not think GSU won the …
Hello Everyone, Here we go again, tomorrow is opening day in D1 College Baseball. We couldn’t be more excited as a ball club (currently writing this on the bus) for …
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone even though it is a day late! Hope you spent it with somebody special in your life. I wanted to start out my blog this week …
As the season approaches the Leathernecks have not been forgotten in the preseason polls. We have been predicted to finish second, and in the past second would have been satisfying. …
In anticipation of the 2012 season, college baseball websites around the country are starting to make predictions and give away pre-season awards. So, I feel compelled to do the same. …
With only two weeks left until the season starts we are getting very excited for the upcoming season. All of the freshmen are from the area so we never had …
Hello everyone! Now that the final whistle of the Super Bowl sounded it’s officially BASEBALL SEASON! As a very disgruntled Miami Dolphin fan living in Patriot, Jet, and Giant land …
We will chalk up our Stater code of the month to a Chinese proverb: “The journey is the reward.” Though January does mark the start of baseball season, I will …
I feel compelled to start this post with an apology. I am sorry for my recent absence from the pages of College Baseball Daily. I do not want to make …