WASHINGTON – The George Washington baseball team will play 31 home games at Tucker Field at Barcroft Park as part of its 53-game regular season schedule and will host the …
Brian Foley
Brian Foley
Brian Foley is the founder and Lead Editor of College Baseball Daily since its inception in 2005. He has covered two CWS, multiple NCAA Baseball Regionals, and other special events across the country. In addition to his duties with College Baseball Daily, he has covered games for Inside Lacrosse and been featured in USA Today, Wall Street Journal among other publications. He can be contacted by email at editor at collegebaseballdaily.com and followed on Twitter @BFoley82.
CARBONDALE, Ill. – The Southern Illinois University baseball team announced its schedule for the 2015 season. The schedule features a well-balanced slate of 28 home games and 27 road games. …
CINCINNATI – Head coach Ty Neal and the University of Cincinnati baseball program released the 2015 schedule on Friday afternoon. The challenging slate will feature six teams that participated in …
ORONO, Maine — Games at Clemson and the University of Florida highlight the 2015 University of Maine baseball scheduled, released on Thursday, Oct. 30. A competitive non-conference slate lead the …
New Mexico State Sports Weekly recently sat down with Aggie first year head coach Brian Green as he discusses his move to Las Cruces and how fall practice is going …
TOLEDO, OH – UT head coach Cory Mee announced the 2015 baseball schedule on Wednesday, Oct. 29. The Rockets will compete in 56 games including the Coastal Carolina Invitational on …