Throughout the season, we will be featuring some of the best user submitted pictures from around the college baseball world. To participate, you need to use #CBDGameday on twitter.
Brian Foley
Brian Foley
Brian Foley is the founder and Lead Editor of College Baseball Daily since its inception in 2005. He has covered two CWS, multiple NCAA Baseball Regionals, and other special events across the country. In addition to his duties with College Baseball Daily, he has covered games for Inside Lacrosse and been featured in USA Today, Wall Street Journal among other publications. He can be contacted by email at editor at and followed on Twitter @BFoley82.
Throughout the season, we will be featuring some of the best user submitted pictures from around the college baseball world. To participate, you need to use #CBDGameday on twitter.
Hey, it was finally opening day in College Baseball. As always, opening day is full of upsets from mid-major over teams with very high expectations. Here are some of the …
We have finally made it to opening day….where the early morning workouts, late night hitting, and 30 degree bullpens finally have a chance to reveal their worth.
We are running posters throughout the season and posters can be sent to us by clicking here.
As a starting point for my blogs this season, I would like to go into a day in the life of a student-athlete and more specifically, a Fighting Camel. Many …