College of Charleston settled their lawsuit with former head coach Matt Heath back on June 28th, 2019 according to an article from The Post Courier. The lawsuit stemmed from a wrongful termination of Heath which was originally settled back in October 2018. The case was reopened after Heath’s lawyer hired a forensic expert who discovered communications between then South Carolina head coach Chad Holbrook discussing with his father about conversations with College of Charleston Athletic Director Matt Roberts while Heath was still the head coach. Both Roberts and Holbrook under sworn testimony that they did not communicate about the job until it was opened. The school has declined comment on the case while Holbrook and Roberts are still employed by the College of Charleston. You can check out a full article on the case by clicking here.
Brian Foley
Brian Foley is the founder and Lead Editor of College Baseball Daily since its inception in 2005. He has covered two CWS, multiple NCAA Baseball Regionals, and other special events across the country. In addition to his duties with College Baseball Daily, he has covered games for Inside Lacrosse and been featured in USA Today, Wall Street Journal among other publications. He can be contacted by email at editor at and followed on Twitter @BFoley82.