Home Interviews with Coaches Q and A with South Carolina’s Chad Holbrook

Q and A with South Carolina’s Chad Holbrook

by Brian Foley

ChadHolbrookSouthCarolinaSouth Carolina’s Spurs & Feathers executive editor Brian Hand recently sat down with head baseball coach Chad Holbrook to discuss the tough season that the squad went through.

S&F: Now that you have had a little time to reflect, what are some of the positives that you can take from last year?

I think that it was neat that Kyle Martin had such a great year as an individual, was an All-American and performed so well and so consistently throughout the year. That’s something that stood out. As a team – I’m going to be honest with you – with the expectations that our team has and this coaching staff has it’s not a season as a team that I reflect back and think of any positives. I hate to sound sour, but we all expect to perform better and play better and we’ve got to make the necessary changes to ensure as a team we don’t have that type of season again.

There were some bright spots from an individual standpoint and the team had some nice wins: the walk off against Kentucky, the series win against (national finalist) Vanderbilt. There were some meaningful moments as a group that we had, but they were certainly few and far between in this coach’s eyes as well as I’m sure a lot of folks’ eyes, so hopefully we’re going to make the necessary adjustments that we need to make to ensure that we have a lot more happy moments next year.

You can check out the rest of the article by clicking here.

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