Home 2011 Season Coverage2011 CWS Andy Demetra: A Game that Redefined the odds

Andy Demetra: A Game that Redefined the odds

by Brian Foley

TannerEnglishFeaturedSouthCarolinaAndy Demetra of Spurs and Feathers has an excellent longform read on how a South Carolina and Florida matchup in 2011 redefined the odds.

I’m often asked about the most memorable game I’ve broadcast for the Gamecocks. It feels like sacrilege not to answer with June 29, 2010: the night South Carolina clinched its first College World Series title over UCLA. It was the game that forever changed the history of South Carolina athletics, the requiem for a curse and the realization of a dream.

And yet, I can’t. Sorry, Whit.

No game is seared into my memory more than South Carolina’s first game against Florida in the 2011 CWS Championship Series. The Gamecocks beat the Gators 2-1 in 11 innings, moving them within one game of a second straight national title. It was their third one-run win at the College World Series.

You can check out the whole article by clicking here.

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