Home 2015 CBD Journals 2015 CBD Journal with Alex Jensen (July 14th)

2015 CBD Journal with Alex Jensen (July 14th)

by Brian Foley

cbd_journal_jensenThe 2014 College World Series is “in the books” and various collegiate summer leagues around the country are winding down–focus is gradually returning to textbooks and 8 a.m. classes (for some of us). Beginning now and continuing through the fall and spring semesters, I will be taking you along with me as I comment on my experiences through the lens of a fourth year college baseball player. I consider it a privilege to not only write to you as a college baseball player but also as a current West Point cadet and student-athlete. I am eager to share my perspective as well as my team’s throughout the extent of this blog as it has come to my attention that our college situation at Army is “slightly” different than the normal college experience. No, we do not carry firearms in our travel bags, nor do we have any war stories. We are just college athletes that have a different career path than most of our peers at other universities.

With that being said, I am looking forward to providing you insight with the goal to give you a greater appreciation for the student-athlete in general, but also those who attend our Service Academies. This blog is intended to inform and to generate interest going forward. I ensure that I will respond to questions you may have regarding the college baseball scene and my West Point experience.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. You can also reach me via twitter @AJensen13. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their summer and wish all those playing summer ball the best of luck.

“Esse quam videri”


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