Home NCBWA 2013 NCAA Attendance Leaders (March 25th)

2013 NCAA Attendance Leaders (March 25th)

by Brian Foley
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NCBWA LogoHere is your latest Attendance Report through games on March 24th. The figures are courtesy of the NCBWA.
By Average (min. 1,200)
School Avg. Total #
1. LSU 10,713 214,264 20
2. Arkansas 7,764 116,469 15
3. Ole Miss 7,299 116,799 16
4. South Carolina 7,082 113,317 16
5. Mississippi State 6,801 136,024 20
6. Texas 5,773 92,371 16
7. Clemson 4,683 74,935 16
8. Texas A&M 4,481 71,700 16
9. Florida State 4,354 82,726 19
10. TCU 3,600 43,210 12
11. Florida 3,477 69,543 20
12. Hawaii 3,315 53,044 16
13. Rice 3,292 42,803 13
14. Southern Miss 3,117 46,756 15
15. Alabama 3,092 43,288 14
16. Miami, Fla. 2,638 52,778 20
17. Baylor 2,579 30,959 12
18. Virginia 2,554 45,984 18
19. Arizona 2,523 52,991 21
20. Arizona State 2,452 24,529 10
21. Auburn 2,401 40,832 17
22. Texas Tech 2,371 30,833 13
23. East Carolina 2,314 37,035 16
24. Wichita State 2,289 20,601 9
25. Vanderbilt 2,272 38,635 17
26. Cal State Fullerton 2,242 24,664 11
27. Oregon State 2,235 24,587 11
28. Louisiana-Lafayette 2,090 33,452 16
29. Tulane 1,940 34,927 18
30. Fresno State 1,705 17,052 10
31. Georgia 1,687 26,994 16
32. Stanford 1,625 21,127 13
33. Kentucky 1,620 21,064 13
34. Tennessee 1,562 18,748 12
35. Georgia Southern 1,548 24,780 16
36. Louisiana-Monroe 1,516 19,712 13
37. UCF 1,512 28,741 19
38. South Alabama 1,486 19,320 13
39. Oregon 1,470 20,592 14
40. NC State 1,451 21,768 15
41. Texas State 1,423 18,502 13
42. Louisville 1,344 26,881 20
43. Creighton 1,315 5,263 4
School Avg. Total #
1. LSU 10,713 214,264 20
2. Mississippi State 6,801 136,024 20
3. Ole Miss 7,299 116,799 16
4. Arkansas 7,764 116,469 15
5. South Carolina 7,082 113,317 16
6. Texas 5,773 92,371 16
7. Florida State 4,354 82,726 19
8. Clemson 4,683 74,935 16
9. Texas A&M 4,481 71,700 16
10. Florida 3,477 69,543 20
11. Hawaii 3,315 53,044 16
12. Arizona 2,523 52,991 21
13. Miami, Fla. 2,638 52,778 20
14. Southern Miss 3,117 46,756 15
15. Virginia 2,554 45,984 18
16. Alabama 3,092 43,288 14
17. TCU 3,600 43,210 12
18. Rice 3,292 42,803 13
19. Auburn 2,401 40,832 17
20. Vanderbilt 2,272 38,635 17
21. East Carolina 2,314 37,035 16
22. Tulane 1,940 34,927 18
23. Louisiana-Lafayette 2,090 33,452 16
24. Baylor 2,579 30,959 12
25. Texas Tech 2,371 30,833 13
26. UCF 1,512 28,741 19
27. Georgia 1,687 26,994 16
28. Louisville 1,344 26,881 20
29. Georgia Southern 1,548 24,780 16
30. Cal State Fullerton 2,242 24,664 11
31. Oregon State 2,235 24,587 11
32. Arizona State 2,452 24,529 10
33. NC State 1,451 21,768 15
34. Stanford 1,625 21,127 13
35. Kentucky 1,620 21,064 13
36. Wichita State 2,289 20,601 9
37. Oregon 1,470 20,592 14
38. Louisiana-Monroe 1,516 19,712 13
39. South Alabama 1,486 19,320 13
40. Tennessee 1,562 18,748 12
41. Texas State 1,423 18,502 13
42. Georgia Tech 1,167 17,505 15
43. Fresno State 1,705 17,052 10

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1 comment

Mario THe YeLLoW DaRT Duvernay March 31, 2013 - 9:17 pm

Hilarious. LSU has almost 3k more than #2 and that number would put LSU at #16…I bet they draw more than most minor league teams

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