Home ACC Duke Takes on Community Service Projects

Duke Takes on Community Service Projects

by Brian Foley

DURHAM, N.C. – The Duke baseball team split up into three groups to tackle several community service projects last Saturday, November 12.

“Community service is an important component of our baseball program,” said head coach Sean McNally. “I am very proud that our players have embraced this aspect of our program and have chosen to impact Duke and the surrounding Durham community in different ways this past weekend. Our efforts to enrich and serve in the community will continue throughout the year.”

The junior and senior class, headed up by senior pitcher David Putman, cleaned up the gardens at the Duke Undergrad Admissions building.

The sophomore class volunteered at the Durham Central Park. The class helped clean up the park by pulling weeds, trimming trees and planting flowers.

The team’s freshman class, composed of nine players, spent their time gardening for the HOPE organization. Hope Gardens is a collaborative effort of the Town of Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Department, the UNC-Chapel Hill Campus Y Homeless Outreach Poverty Eradication (HOPE) organization and the Town of Chapel Hill Active Living by Design Committee. Their goal is to increase community gardening space while addressing issues of homelessness. Volunteer work involves everything from construction to planting and weeding.

Duke baseball has made a tremendous community service push over the past several seasons. Each fall, the team selects one Saturday and splits up into groups to tackle several projects. The team also spent time at the Miracle League of the Triangle this fall.

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