Home Title IX issues at Mississippi State?

Title IX issues at Mississippi State?

by Brian Foley

The Reflector (Student newspaper of Mississippi State) checks in with an article about Title IX which is asking for protection of the men’s sports. The Mississippi State baseball coach Ron Polk is quoted saying “What I really want to see is Title X, Where’s our protection? Where’s the protection against men’s sports being cut?” I find this type of comment right on the mark because many schools have decided to cut funding for many sports at smaller school to get in complaince with Title IX. When I do start to have issues with Mr. Polk is when he states the following: “It doesn’t bother me at all that women’s softball gets to give out 20 scholarships, I just want to be able to offer the same amount, especially since we’re one of the biggest sources of revenue for the athletic department.” This is a very offensive statement because for many years MSU gave out a very large percentage of scholarships to his team and other male programs while forgetting about women’s athletics. Remember Women’s sports before Title IX? Very few people remember them before Title IX.

The full article is available here.