Wes Roemer and Jared Clark both of Cal State Fullerton have recently been injured according to Aaron Fitt of Baseball America. He states that Roemer has a broken pinky finger on his throwing hand. The Titans are trying to have Roemer pitch through the injury. Jared Clark is out for the 2007 season with a torn ACL. This a huge loss for the Titans since Clark hit five home runs last season and was expected to contribute significantly this season. There are also some more news in notes in this article from Aaron Fitt.
Brian Foley
Brian Foley is the founder and Lead Editor of College Baseball Daily since its inception in 2005. He has covered two CWS, multiple NCAA Baseball Regionals, and other special events across the country. In addition to his duties with College Baseball Daily, he has covered games for Inside Lacrosse and been featured in USA Today, Wall Street Journal among other publications. He can be contacted by email at editor at collegebaseballdaily.com and followed on Twitter @BFoley82.
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